Saturday, November 14, 2015

CryptoThrift Rebrands to bitify and is Ready to Go Mainstream

CryptoThrift Rebrands to bitify and is Ready to Go Mainstream

Two years after launching CryptoThrift, we believe the time is right for change. As you may have noticed already, we have rebranded to bitify (
Why the change?

bitify has achieved continual growth since it began trading two years ago, with over 200% organic growth in the past 12 months alone. We have a great following of users and have solidified our position as the number one marketplace and auction site within the Bitcoin community. But now we need to build upon that platform and prepare ourselves for the rising popularity of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technology. We need to be ready to go mainstream. The first step in that process is to ensure we have a brand name that better represents what we do, and one that will help us reach and be accepted by a wider audience.
So what’s behind the name?

It’s simple really. “bit”, short for Bitcoin, “-ify” to make it a verb. bitify – to turn into Bitcoin. It’s short, it’s memorable, it’s current.
What about the logo?

Again we wanted to keep it simple. The “b” in bitify being made up of a 1 and 0, the fundamental values of a “bit”.
How will the rebrand occur?
We hope it will be completely seamless for you. The existing site will automatically forward to Any existing links you have in your listings or emails from us to the site will remain active, as will our email addresses. Our support IRC channel will change to #bitify on freenode IRC, though we will still monitor #cryptothrift until the end of this year. Our social media pages and forum username changes are in progress and will transition over the coming weeks. We’ll update you further as necessary.
What’s next for bitify?

Our goal for bitify is to make it easier to buy and sell goods with Bitcoin. This means making the process easier for both buyers and sellers alike, building tools for sellers to better manage their sales, simplifying navigation and improving visibility for buyers, enhancing our security, and generally providing better customer service.
We have a heap of features planned to meet these goals, most notably our intention to introduce customisable “store fronts” aimed at power sellers and small businesses. But we also want to hear what you want to see on the site. This is, after all, a site for you! So please do email us with your suggestions to
Developing new features and growing the business takes both time and money. Not many people realise that bitify is a bootstrap startup, founded, funded, developed, and operated by just two guys, in the evenings and weekends between full time jobs and raising families. This unfortunately means that both time and money are in short supply. But we recognise that we can’t do this alone anymore, so are already exploring our options for external help and funding. If you are an investor and want to know more, please drop as an email to
About bitify

– bitify is marketplace and auction site allowing buyers and sellers to transact using Bitcoin.
– Trading for almost 2 years, the site boasts nearly 50,000 users and several thousand items listed for sale.
– Business is based in Sydney, Australia, and is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
– bitify has processed over USD $2.5m through its escrow service, making it the most widely used and trusted escrow services in the Bitcoin eco system.
– The marketplace lists a diverse range of products from computer hardware and software, digital games, and gift cards to motor cars, real estate, gold, and silver.
– bitify is proud to have hosted several charity auctions, from the Ten Trillion Zimbabwean dollar bill signed by Bitcoin guru Andreas Antonopoulos, to the very recent Direct Relief fund raising campaign in partnership with SatoshiLabs.

We’ll take this opportunity to thank all of our users for your support over the past two years. We hope we can continue to provide you with an honest and fair escrow service and reliable customer support.

Paul & Ahmad,
“team bitify”

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